Monday, December 3, 2007

Presentstion Response #2

The two artsts (or groups) that I picked to talk about are George Grosz and the Guerrilla Girls.

I thought that George Grosz was pretty interesting because of his subject matter. He really seemed to combine the dark side of things with the more pleasurable things. Although his paintings were pretty graphic they never really seemed emphasized (except for this self portrait, but that's different). His works seemed almost like they could exist in todays world with maybe the same types of characters and color schemes, but I thing the perspectives of the landscapes and objects within them would probably be better, a few things seemed almost impossible, or like they were floating.

The Guerrilla Girls seemed almost like a rebel uprising. With the name spelled like guerrilla as in warfare and not gorilla as in the monkey type thing really helped. because guerrilla refers to like surprise attacks or using unusual people, and with the masks and the seemingly harmless signs they seem to accomplish surprise attacks on people. The fact that they use old art and just edit it shows their knowledge of art history, and the having people all around the world only helps their influence.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Presentation Responses

The artists that stood out to me and started good conversation, in my mind and in the class itself, were Kiki Smith and Nikki Lee.

With Kiki Smith it was more of an internal conversation with myself trying to understand why she did the things the way she did. I wanted to understand why her sculptures were so unlike her drawings, and why she chose to work in so many different mediums. Her sculptures were solid colors with almost no facial recognition except maybe a nose and eye sockets (with a few exceptions). Her drawings however showed all the features of the face and much more detail in the bodies too.

Nikki Lee on the other hand sparked a bigger conversation in the class, with different people opposed to and defending the different projects she did. I asked a few people how they would feel if she did an artist project and they said they would probably just laugh, so why not laugh at all of the projects I ask? I feel like she did a good job portraying the different groups of different areas and it would be interesting to see the rest of the projects to see if she changed the way she looked within a certain group. It would be interesting to see if she showed the different types of people in that group itself or if she was just the same "character" over and over again in different poses.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Project Proposal

My project based on the book Bones of the Master by George Crane will be some what of a comic type deal I think...Probably of key points in the journey (that I haven't read yet)...Maybe 4 or 5 (or more) panels depending on the amount of parts that stand out maybe about 11 by 17 in size (really depends on the number of panels)...Most likely digital media...Maybe with some collage aspects and scanned images...

I have not entirely read a lot of the book because I just got it..

I feel like my idea will expand and become more clear or elaborate as I read more of the book...

Words to Describe Book:

-Yellow (He said it / River)
-Green (Grass)
-Brown (Mud)
-Gray (Stone)
-Black (Ink / Gobi)
-Blue (Ice)
-White (Face / Paper / The overall feeling of it)

Swatches Makeup for Missed Lecture

For my new picture with the swatches I chose "Bad Day on the High Sea" by Brandon Bird...

Here are the swatches I made from this picture...

I realized that some of the colors in the picture are the same as the first picture I chose...And sorry for the late upload, pictures were not working last night...

Monday, November 12, 2007


I could not pick between two pieces that I found at the ICA. One I really like because of it's originality and that is the line of Kidrobot toys. As far as I could tell from the description, every set of toys they come out with is limited edition and after that they are no longer manufactured. So rather then thinking of the toys as toys you can think of them as collectors items. Most of them all have the same shape, sometimes with accessories, but the difference between them is what is printed on the figure itself. None of them have movable parts which also helps to differ them from your average toy.

The other piece I liked was the conceptual model for the Museum of History in California. Originally I liked the piece because I thought it was for something else and I over analyzed it and thought it was a lot cooler and had deeper meaning then it really does. Then i saw the actual comments for it and realized what it really was so it lost a lot of meaning to me, but I still thought it was a very cool way to represent something. I had never seen an architectual model made with only straight lines, let alone strings. I thought that the piece was very interesting, and a new twist on an old concept.

The pieces I picked really stood out to me, but it is hard to write about my first reaction to them because I had already seen them when I went to the ICA for my form study class.

I was also wondering if I could do 5 sketches / drawings from each and do half and half for the original pieces too...

If this isn't sufficient for a write up please let me know and I will write more...

Saturday, November 10, 2007


So yeah...I don't know when you read these...But I was checking the bog today to see wht was due Monday and I realized that the Tibetan painter guy lectures were this week when I thought they were next week...I know we were supposed to attend one of them and I was wondering if there was something else I had to do to make up for missing it...

Monday, November 5, 2007


Here are the swatches for my color assignment...

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Time Portrait Collages...

Time portraits 1, 2 and 3...

Monday, October 29, 2007

Ferrara Color Vocab

Color : Red, Orange, Blue-ish
Pigments : What?
Hue : See Color
Value : Clothes are bright, People and background are dull
Temperature : Warm (People) and Cool (Mother)
Warm Colors : Red, Orange
Cool Colors : Blue
Monochromatic : The Background
Neutral : The border
Primary : Red, Blue
Secondary : Orange

With the bright colors of the people they tend to stand out and say what their positions are. The man in red is the circumcisor and the people in orange, a secondary color, are his assistants, or secondary people. The mother is dressed in blue which isa cool colorand offers comfort to her child. The background and faces of the assistants are dull and neutral so they don't stand out and you tend to focus on the child the mother and the man in red.

Ferrara Color Association

Two sides to color...The mother and baby...And the others...


Monday, October 15, 2007

Robert Rauschenberg

Although this image is not much of a collage it shows how Robert Rauschenberg takes 3D perspectives and throws them into his collages. He puts real life objects into his collage or something his collage on the real life object. I think that his images are very eye catching and really stand out from where they are displayed. Also the way that he paints on the images (or screens them on, I can't really tell) to give them a nice colored look adds to the feel of the over all image. I also like this quote that seems to keep popping up:

"I think a painting is more like the real world if it's made out of the real world." -Robert Rauschenberg

Sunday, October 14, 2007


Here is a composition I made using two of my previous images...


Here is the grid I made with my 20 pictures...

Monday, October 8, 2007

Lecture Response

So I went to the "lecture" at the Brant Gallery and heard the artist talk about all this photographs and such. It was a nice experience to be able to hear what they were thinking about their art and how it came to be and such...But at the same time it seemed like almost everything they said we could have figured out by ourselves or it was already in the little book we got...So the lecture in general just seemed kinda more like a meet and greet then anything else...

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Line and Shape

Sorry i missed the Thursday deadline but I thought it was pointless to write a blog about the prject that I didn't ven do yet...To be honest I still believe it's pointless to do this blog...Line and shape...Line and shape...Hmm what to write about...Lines are anything connecting on point to another whether it be in a straight path wavy or curvy or zig zag or whatever...While shape is a 2D maybe 3D area formed by multiple points and such...I really don't know what to write about right here because "A response to line and shape" means nothing to me...I really didn't like this project...Bye...

Monday, September 24, 2007

5 Pictures through the day...


^^Picture at 10:45 am f# 8...

^^Picture at 2:30 pm f# 8...

^^Picture at 6:30 pm f# 8...


^^Picture at 6:30 pm f# 4.5

^^Picture at 6:30 pm f# 2.8

The last two aperture shots are both below 8 because I did not realize at first that my camera only went up to 8...So I just used two other f#'s...


Here's the one picture you wanted...

Photos through the day...

The picture I chose to talk about comes from the corner of my room at about 6:30 pm. It is the picture I used with the biggest f#, 2.8, so a lot more light got into the camera. The corners of the picture are dark but you can tell what the picture is of...The edges are higlighted and it really pops...

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Light Drawings...

One of my choices of areas to draw was a ceiling corner of my room...At 11 30 PM the corner looks almost like a flat surface...There is practically no light except from the street lights and they cast very small shadows...There is an extra part of wall that juts out from the ceiling which is a bit darker then the rest of it at this time...If I were to describe this to a blind person I would have to say that you could only feel your way around...A person with sight would experience this the same way as a blind person...It feels as though my site has been taken...

Monday, September 10, 2007

Camera Obscura Pictures

Camera Obscura

My experience with the Camera Obscura may not have been the best first impression...Although we saw Abe's work and it did look very nice...The set-ups at the school were not the greatest (at least today)...

The bigger one took a very long time to see and it was not the most exciting image...After about 5 minutes we began to see a line going up and down and a dark square on top with a lighter square on bottom...Today wasn't too bright so that may have something to do with it...But wither way, not the best picture...

The smaller set up we could see almost immediately and it was a nice set up...Comfortably fit three people and wasn't too hot...It was nice to be able to move the objects around and see how that affected the image being displayed...But the whole set up did not seem to be in focus, so no matter how much we saw it wasn't really clear...